Marketing and advertising are essential for business, politics, even public safety and awareness. You may not notice it, but marketing strategies and advertising campaigns are a part of every aspect of our modern lives. | |||||||
The best known uses for graphics design and media productions like audio, video, and animation is advertising. Any good ad or ad campaign begins with quality media. Magazine ads and billboards need graphics, television commercials utilize video recording, special effects, and graphics, Radio advertisements start as in the sound clips in a studio. That is why we offer a full range of advertising services from concept and development to ad placement. We are more than just a production company we are a full service advertising firm.
Advertising and Marketing from one company, contact us today to discuss your promotional needs. |
The original and still the greatest form of advertisement. Graphic media is part of nearly any marketing campaign, it is everywhere from grocery stores to tattoo parlors, sales promotions to political campaigns... and it works.
Printed Advertisements and Graphic Ads
Most of the types of graphic media below are self explanatory. A few particulars and ad campaign types are described below.
Video is by far the most popular form of media in advertising today, and with the improvement of streaming media, internet video ads are expanding the market.
Promotional Videos and Television Ads
When thinking of the difference between T.V. ads and promotional video productions, i use the comparison of a square and a rectangle. A television advertisement (or commercial) is a type promotional video, but a promotional videos are not necessarily commercials. There are many types of promo videos, some are listed below.
- Here are the various ways of presenting visual media and services we offer.
Radio advertising is booming with the development of the satellite radio and streaming internet radio markets, plus half of every thing good you see in video production is attributed to good sound production. Your audience is listening.
Sound and Audio Advertising
The quality of recorded advertisements in key in consumer approval and recognition. Trust JL Global's experience and marketing expertise to get your message to the listening ears of potential customers. A web site is really like a digital billboard on the information super-highway... but with out proper marketing even the best websites will never be seen. JL Global media services will put your web site on the map and bring more traffic to your site.
Web Marketing techniques
Web design and development utilizes graphics design, flash animation, and on occasion video and audio production.
Whatever your advertising needs, contact us today for a free consultation and evaluation. | |||||||
home > web > audio > video > graphics > ads > marketing > events > about > contact - JL Global Media Services - (214) 937-WEB1 |